How do we treat atopic dermatitis exacerbated by exposure to cold?
The treatment is determined by the dermatologist depending on the stage, clinical appearance and symptoms. A treatment regime is initiated consisting of topical corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors, systemic antihistamines to relieve itching, as well as local emollients. Good collaboration between patient and doctor is required and the duration of the treatment is determined based on evolution. Being prone to irritation, the patient’s sensory stability is important for the development of the disease, and it is important to control the vicious circle of itching-scratching.
What is the prognosis and when should treatment be stopped?
Generally, evolution is favourable under treatment and in time, spikes triggered by internal and external factors will be increasingly rare. As a result, the main objective is to maintain the integrity of the skin barrier at an optimal level, through a constant and well-implemented care routine.
For atopic dermatitis that is severe, generalised, and resistant to treatment, modern medicine has new-generation systemic therapies to reduce symptoms.
From my own experience in treating this condition, I can confirm that being well informed and respecting medical prescriptions can provide a long-term favourable response for patients, with increasingly fewer exacerbations, so those affected have a better quality of life.